Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oh Me, Oh my, Oh You! Whatever Shall I do?

If you like silly songs...you will that comes from a song! My kids and I love that song! Of course, that question comes up a LOT! I have SO many things that I want to do and it is SO hard to organize my time and thoughts!

That is one thing I am REALLY focusing on this year. Organization. Around the house, on the go, with my time, food, kids, chores, etc.

So here are a few things I am trying to sort out, organize and generally figure out how to streamline! Anyone else working on any of these? If so, please share what works for you!

  • Meals/Menu Planning/Grocery Shopping

  • MY Chores and cleaning (not just time, but WHAT needs done and WHEN)

  • My children's chores (not just getting it done, but recognizing it needs done and why and doing it with a good attitude)

  • Bible study for me

  • Bible study for my children

  • Lesson plans and activities for James (my 3 year old) for learning his letters, numbers and colors (at least to start!)

  • Homework for all of my children (being more diligent about getting it done and organized)
  • Finances
  • Gardening (I know, not in January, but spring WILL come!)
  • Blogging
  • Cleaning up the computer (organizing bookmarks, getting rid of links that don't work, etc.)
  • Pictures (oh my! We have THOUSANDS!)
Yes, I know, my list seems endless. I didn't even begin about the children's clothing, or my room, or my books! OR the basement! Or my daughters rocks she is tumbling to make jewelry with so you know that will need organized! Hair things! Paperwork! Cross stitch supplies (if I knew what I had, I might actually stitch again!) Birthdays! Cards! Christmas decorations! Camping supplies!

See, it just goes on and on!

This is all in addition to just accomplishing daily life, Amish runs, volunteering, cooking, cleaning and such.

How do people WORK and still manage to have clean homes, happy and healthy children and organized lives? I seriously do not know!

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