It lends to some challenges when we try to teach something to the children together. Oh, I can attempt to teach them about housekeeping, and responsibility, and respect and that is pretty universal but to get into something deeper! WOW!
So I am working on something and I am kind of unsure how it will work but we are going to start trying it!
I won a packet and poster from We Choose Virtues and we are trying to figure out how best to implement that into a family lesson time. I have the posters that I won posted on the pantry door where everyone can see it every day.
Most of the cards that deal with the virtues are geared toward our 7 year old. At least in my opinion. So, how do I take one lesson and turn it into a lesson for the entire family?
Right now my plan goes something like this....Each child will be responsible for one part of the lesson
- Read appropriate Scripture to go with the lesson
- Make a game of trying to guess (based on the Scripture) which virtue we are discussing
- Read description of virtue and lead a discussion on what exactly it means in our family
- Pass out coloring pages I also won that go along with each virtue (I am putting my 3 year old in charge!)
- Challenge....older children have a notebook to record times during the week that the see the virtue in action, not only in our family, but in their life that week.
Any thoughts?
Just a side note. The reason I didn't include a sample lesson plan for any lesson is because I didn't want to violate any copyrights that might be in place with the We Choose Virtues company. As I see how this works and create my own lesson plans, I will share some examples.