Friday, January 18, 2013

Sickness, good business and a little of everything

So I have been busy this week. Many of the Amish near me have had tremendously sick children. This got me thinking about how we deal with sickness.

I tend to deal with it in seclusion! If my children are sick...they stay home! If they have been sick recently...they stay home! If I have someone who has recently been sick and I believe they have not gotten their strength back and are still fighting with a weakened immune system...they stay home! Are you seeing a pattern here?

And yet, if they stay home the school discourages that. Says I keep them out too long. If my hubby (who works at a hospital that claims to have a policy that if you have symptoms you stay home) actually stays home from work, he get a "point" that stays on his record for an entire calendar year. If he is sick for 3-4 days, it is 3-4 points. After that many points he starts getting warnings. So they want him to stay home, but stay home and get in trouble. Stay home long enough...or even just a couple of bouts of sickness in a year and he could possibly lose his job. This makes NO sense to me!

So as I listen to these Amish talk about their sick, hospitalized with RSV, pneumonia, flu, etc. children, I am hearing a constant....they went to homes (or sheds with no heat!) on open buggies, with tiny babies being passed around from person to person and many other sick and coughing children around. Then their little ones end up sick.

Okay, so I admit it, I feel a little strongly about this! It is time for this world to take the focus off of business and focus on family! Realistically, a sick person is not an effective employee anyway!

I'll move on....I did have a positive experience I wanted to share this week!

We needed to order some products for my daughter's new rock tumbler. I hesitated to order but found what I thought was the best buy out there. Of course, it was to spend $16 on the product and $18 on the shipping! I was SO pleasantly surprised when I got a note from the seller that she had overcharged me the shipping and had already refunded my PayPal with over $9! (see picture below) Seriously! I was so surprised! Not too many businesses would do that anymore so I wanted to give a shout out to Sister's Rocks for great business practices. They definitely earned my repeat business and if you need anything to do with lapidary work or rock tumbling, check there first! That being said, they have NO idea that I am posting this and I am totally not getting paid! Just rewarding a job well done in my book!

I also ordered from eBay. I ordered some vanilla beans from someone I have bought from before. In the past I always got VERY prompt service and great quality beans! Today my phone rings. It seems I ordered something and he personally wasn't happy with the quality and didn't want to ship that to me without confirming that I was okay with it! We discussed some things and modified my order and the product should be in its way! Thank you to Vanilla Products USA for your prompt, friendly service and for working with me to ensure that you are providing the best quality product to the customer! Once again, he has NO idea that I am posting! I just believe in praising business practices that make me stand up and take notice! I think people are too quick to point out the negative but not equally quick to point out the great jobs that many companies do!

That all being said, this prompt service and honesty about shipping price goes a LONG way in solidifying me as a repeat buyer for these businesses!

Do you make it a point to remember companies that do great? Do you make it a point to promote them (even without being an affiliate?)

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