Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good morning with James in therapy this morning. We are working on the switch from the developmental therapist that we LOVE but didn't actually need to the speech therapist we actually need! James is happily watching a Veggie Tale and I have made progress on the kitchen. Still not sure what is going on with the fridge. It quit working last week the night before Jamie's surgery, then worked, then quit and is now working again. Frustrating since I don't feel I can trust it!

Jamie's surgery went great! It was such a blessing to have it at Riley. It wasn't easy to get through downtown Indy rushhour traffic but it was worth it! They all did a great job and you can hardly see his scar even now! He still has quite a bit of bruising but that fades!

I have struggled this week with feeling like I am failing and today I have made a choice to focus on the positive so even though I still fight the discouragement and the frustration and the feelings of failure, I am not going to focus on them and let them drag me down! I know that is Satan working in my life and I don't want to enable him to win!

I am going to pick something positive to focus on each day and today it is going to be my kitchen! I LOVE my kitchen! I have tons of counter space and I have a wonderful huge stove that allows me to cook wonderful, flavorful meals for my family! This means I am going to spend a week focusing on making my kitchen clean and tidy and amazing. Showing an outward sign of what it means to me. And as I clean and make progress, I am going to thank God for the blessing that He has given me in my kitchen! Recentering my positive focus on HIM! Each goal that is reached on cleaning will also be followed with rewards....I am going to drink LOTS of water, do lots of exercise and cook amazing meals! I am going to menu plan, grocery list and organize until I feel in control in my kitchen again! That will allow me to have something successful in my life and allow a change in negativity!

If you are reading this and struggling with feeling negative or overwhelmed or frustrated, I challenge you to pick an area that you are best at and center yourself on those positive things and feelings and give the credit to God! You have to start somewhere!

Have a wonderful day!

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