I had great intentions of blogging...then something came up. Friday I just plain forgot! Saturday I forgot I was getting my almost 2 year old nephew for the day and with my own 30 month old son, that was quite enough handful!
So I thought I would give you a laughing rundown of my Saturday!
I awake...it is 6:00. The alarm hasn't gone off yet and the sun is shining, birds are singing elsewhere I am sure but at our house those darned pigeons that live in the rafters are cooing. Just noisy enough to be disturbing so I am tossing and turning and decide to just get up instead of bothering Cory. Why not let him sleeping! I mean, I have a run and I am taking my little man with me so since Bethany spent the night at a friend's house it will be just Daddy and Jessica.
Soon I find myself downstairs, chai in hand, ready to check my email. Which I would have done if the internet weren't down. Oh, wait, I messed with something and now it downloaded my email but I go to check my Facebook and it is down again! Spent a half hour working on that and decided that I would get around and leave EARLY for my Amish run. Oops! Bad idea!
I get myself ready for the day, get up my 2 year old, get him ready for the day and get a diaper bag packed and ready. Whew! 7:10 and I am on the road. Decided to take the scenic route around the block on the dirt road. Driving down the road and I get a text...now, I rarely check them when driving (since it is illegal and all!) but for some reason I looked at my phone and it was my sister letting me know she would be at my house in 10 minutes! OH CRUD! I forgot all about Elijah! Look around and realize I am in the longest stretch with NO driveways to turn around in...but I am on a deserted dirt road in the middle of nowhere Indiana! I can do a 3 point turn in the middle of the road, right? WRONG! I can get disoriented in the DUST from that road and back STRAIGHT INTO THE DITCH!
Call to sister, run to my house, wake hubby, get him to get the truck and come pull me out. Come the 1/2 mile from MY HOUSE to my van and bring me your son. Get pulled out, get on the way to the Amish run 10 minutes late instead of 15 minutes early! Whew! Gotta get better, right?
Take some Amish friends to a private auction (their Grandma passed away and they were auctioning all the belongings to her family) that is supposed to take "a couple of hours". Arrive by 9...they didn't start until 10...when we left at 1:00 they were only half done! Dream of having money! WOW! They had a spinning wheel that was in BEAUTIFUL condition that came over seas in the 1800s with their family....I don't know how to spin or anything but it was sure nice looking and it went for $750. Of course, they had an old copper kettle that was huge and beautiful and went for $300. Other stuff went for next to nothing! Watching 2 boys both in the 23-30 month range at that kind of even was exhausting!
Enough rambling! Came home and my hubby changed the brakes and rotors on the van. I was trying to motivate my 12 year old to do laundry and pack since she leaves Monday for a week in North Carolina with my aunt. That was a challenge. All while trying to clean up, watch the boys, entertain the grumpy 6 year old and make a side dish for a cookout that was starting in just 2 hours!
Went to the cookout and felt a bit out of place. It was a 20s and 30s cookout from church and it was great....but a challenge. At 37 I was one of the oldest there. MANY young children were down at the water with no supervision and at one point when I had my son and nephew on the swingset a child went under and the only other adult close had to jump in with her clothes on and save him. I did have fun, but it was supposed to be a connection event and I didn't really feel connected all afternoon. I did connect with my little ones! They had a huge piece of plastic with a sprinkler on it and some dish soap and that made an amazing 100 foot long slip and slide! I seriously enjoyed that! The rope swing into the pond was fun also but hard on the hands! It did amaze the girls that MOMMY was willing to try it!
Headed home with 4 exhausted kids and 2 tired parents and realized that due to a communication error I had to have my nephew for long past his bedtime so he was quite grumpy! One of those crazy mixed up days where not much seemed to go right but we had fun anyway!
What did you do Saturday? What are your plans for today? Ours are quieter! See a friend preach (he is a ministry student at Indiana Wesleyan University) and come home and make sure Bethany is packed for North Carolina..yep. Sounds like enough to me!
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